«‎Online» The Last Airbender Full Movie

  • Writed by: M. Night Shyamalan
  • country: USA
  • Star: Dev Patel
  • Genres: Family, Fantasy
  • Runtime: 1 h, 43 Minutes
  • 4,4 / 10

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I can tell this movie sucks like hell for us who have watched the show. One of the most epic fights in history. Blood-bending beats it all.

But like the lady said – fire is the best. It's been literally 10 years ago and people still can't stop hating this movie. This movie is just unforgettable, in the wrong way. This looks like a 2 year old made it. Im watching for the first time (all the way through) and am starting book 2 now. I love this show so far, and watched the first season in just a couple of nights. A great show, and a shame Nickelodeon didnt like it. Im so curious how this has all the right voice actors... Id watch “The Great Divide” on repeat for a year before I watch ten minutes of literally anything from the CW.

The movie is physically painful to watch. You might say the Great Divide was a real division to watch... ………………………………………. Slowly breaths heavily. In the show, the earthbenders were kept prisoners in a metal ship, so they couldn't free themselves. So why on earth would the movie put them at a freaking mountain like place? WTF? xD. The only way that can explain this movie was if it was made by the same people that did the stage production in the series made a movie release.

Tbh this is one of the best cartoons of all time.


I think the worst thing about this movie (I haven't watched it yet, because of how bad people say it is, so this is based off what people say and what I saw in this trailer) is that they didn't even say the main character's name right. Sure they might have completely screwed over the racial casting of the characters, Chinese/Japanese fire nation being Indian, Indian water nation being White and so on, but the fact that the MAIN character, the one that has his name said the most during the cartoon, is pronounced wrong. OMGG WHEN TOPH STARTED BENDING SHE WAS SO ADORABLE. That voice at the start gave me Optimus Prime vibes xD. The only time i fell asleep during a movie.

I remember when my uncle showed me this years ago and I never stopped watching it

Ya know, for a nimble Airbender, Aang's Earth bending in this fight was pretty top notch. Toph taught him well.

Idk what it is but I feel like that flashback scene bothers me a bit. Maybe it could have been shown beforehand and not this scene? Or maybe it's because it dragged on for too long, idk.

Editor:drunk Actors: tortured Cameraman:fallen of a cliff Director: didn't exist.

2:26 cant tell if this is a self aware joke or a genuine mistake.

I gotta admit, i really like this cute version of Avatar 😂😍😍.

When I was in school some of my friends told me about the show and how awesome it was, but I ended up watching the movie before seeing a single episode of the show and it completely ruined the show for me. To this day I still haven't seen a single episode of the show. Also Where Is OZAI.










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